Dear Gabby,
I've been spending much too much time on the computer lately and it's creating a problem...okay, MANY problems.
Although I love the blogging world, time spent writing for my own blog, commenting to my readers, checking out their sites & commenting there, checking out new sites & commenting there has me on the computer instead of taking care of business in my real world!
I have been avoiding housework, hardly cooking, not spending enough time with wonderful hubby and hardly even venturing outside to be with other people that I love.
Would you call this an addiction?
I need your help.
Glued to the screen
Dear Glued,
Because I am a fictional character created in the brilliant mind of a blog addict, I'm afraid to delve too deeply here in fear of getting the ax, however, I took this Hippocratic oath when I received my imaginary license to practice counseling online, and being the responsible imaginary person that I am, I do feel that I must at least lightly address the issue.
As with any hobby, it can easily become addictive in nature.
People golf for hours on end and spend a great deal of money to be able to do this.
Some ladies find that shopping is great stress relief and will obsessively make purchases with no regard to their budgets.
I find that although blogging is a great thing, it can also wind up costing you more than you bargained for.
Besides the obvious (carpal tunnel), it is never a good idea to isolate your self from the out side world, or those living within your own home. Neglecting household responsibilities could end up with you being the recipient of a visit from your local health department.
I've heard tale of people leaving Christmas trees up well into the month of January, burning supper (IF they actually remembered to MAKE supper), pretending to listen to their spouse share his deepest secrets while eyes were glancing at the inbox of the email.
You know it's a problem if, while sitting in your church service under FANTASTIC teaching, you find your self taking notes....for a new post idea!
(I've only HEARD of these things happening...not that I know of any one person who has been guilty of any of these things!)
If you fall into any of these categories, I would suggest taking a breather.
Limit yourself to blogging time only when no humans are in your presence, or for allotted times only, if you're never alone. (One hour human time, 30 minutes computer time- for starters.)
DO NOT CHECK EMAILS and text or twitter people when others are talking to you in person. IT IS RUDE!
It's never a good idea to trade relationships with those you love for ANY obsession-life is too short and it will leave you with regrets.
Ask those around you, what they think.
I would also love to hear from bloggers, how they manage their computer relationships with their peeps sharing their home with them.
His Voice Makes the Difference
9 years ago